Current Job Openings
Tutors Needed!
LDANL is recruiting tutors for various projects designed to support K-12 and adult learners to overcome their learning barriers. The tutors will help learners in READING and/or MATH using the provided Learning Disability specialized curriculum.
These tutoring positions are now available, ONLINE and/or IN-PERSON (St. John’s).
Please send applications to [email protected]
Volunteer with Us
Research Assistant
Do you have experience in online research? Are you able to work from home and willing to dedicate a few hours a week to support LDANL?
Please contact us at [email protected]
Outreach and Other Support
Are you interested in helping us with spreading awareness of LD/ADHD? Do you have some free time to help us with publicizing and delivering our programs? You can be located anywhere in the province, and help us deliver our services to your community. Join our volunteer team to build a stronger community.
Please contact us at [email protected]