Assistive Technology AT@LDANL

Provincial funding program for Assistive Technology

The Department of Education (provincial government) has a program whereby eligible students can receive Assistive Technology for use at school and home. Schools must apply for this and their application must meet certain criteria to be successful. The following link will take you to the Department’s website page that deals with this program, and links on this page explain the criteria and the process for applying. You can talk to your school about this program if you feel your child would benefit. Read more here:


AT Conference

LDANL Conference October 2019

Assistive Technology and Learning Disabilities: Learning Together through Experience and Expertise

Click below for breakout session materials 

Assistive Technology Saturday Session

On April 6th, 2019, LDANL hosted a workshop for parents, students, people with Learning Disabilities and others interested in the topic of Assistive Technology. Our presenters were Anna Powell, Department of Education as well as Kerri Whelan and Janine Foley of the NL English School District. Participants got some solid information and some hands-on time trying out the features of Read and Write Gold as well as some Google features. The session was well attended and appreciated by all. The presenters have kindly made their slideshow available by following the link below: